Showing posts with label dj Goddessa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dj Goddessa. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

@FunkSanctum is Back on Twitter; How Did Funk Sanctum Radio Save My Life?

Hello Everyone,
Today is a special day for Funk Sanctum Radio: I awoke, have my health and strength, use of my limbs, have a job, have a partner who loves me, have a roof over my head and countless blessings for which I am grateful, every single one. This photo was taken immediately after dolphins were sited swimming in the harbor. Have never seen dolphins this close in; it was thrilling! They were too shy to surface when i snapped this, so you just have to believe me and let me know if you feel their presence just beneath the surface. :)
L.A. L.A. Harbor Palm Photo by dj Goddessa

@FunkSanctum Now Back on Twitter!

Now if you search for @FunkSanctum on Twitter, you will get someone—me.  I have had an issue with @FunkSanctum on Twitter for a few years, as this account mysteriously disappeared one day.  After

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Live365 News

Live365 logoImage via Wikipedia
Live365 News Woohoo Live365 has new new  look to their Website, here's the press release. Happy anniversary to live365 and ME! das right, your dj has been streaming on live365 for 10 YEARS babees. Can i get a woot-wootie?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy "Administrative Professionals Day" 2010 to me and FELLOW ADMIN PROS!

 Dear Receptionists, Secretaries, File Clerks, Paralegals, Word Processors, Transcriptionists, Proofreaders, Editors (collectively "Administrative Professionals"), Have a Happy Administrative Professionals Day and very special week:

Oh happy day to me, administrative professional for almost all of my 62 years on this mudball Earth.  I am a word processor at a law firm in Downtown Los Angeles.  Cruising at 100+ wpm, this keyboardist secretly loves typing and gets paid well for doing what I love!  It is a meditation to me and people who hear me typing are amazed that it sounds like jazz.   

Today, however, is my Special Day and my celebrating begins with me writing to you instead of typing work from my work In-Box.  ;)

I am humbly grateful for being employed in the present environment, let alone at a firm that will thank and recognize me on this day with a catered breakfast, thank-you cards and gift certificates. 

Hear, Oh Universe, I am grateful for another opportunity for selfless service!

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." ~Voltaire

It's your dj Goddessa of Funk Sanctum Radio speaking, but Nancy J. Christian (Master Typist) typing ;)


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Greetings, I am so happy to be HOME!

Dear Family,

Thank you, dear listener and supporter of Funk Sanctum Radio.  It was 9 years ago that my loving partner told me to continue broadcasting on (even though they began charging a monthly fee to broadcast), that that I "owed it to my listeners" to continue.  I made promise that as long as there was at least one other listener, FUNK SANCTUM RADIO streams.  Thank you again, dear listener.

This week I want to connect with as many people as possible who are using Himalayan Salt Lamp products and share subjective and objective benefits.  Personally, I could not wait to get back home from our exquisite desert adventure this weekend to turn ours on.  I  noticed last week increased energy, well-being, easier breathing--yes, even living in a houseful of animals!  The most amazing aspect is that we found this lamp, brought it home and used it for a day before knowing the "alleged" health and spiritual benefits.  That then made me even more gung-ho because suggestible me would no doubt have always wondered whether I had once again just fallen for the hype.  However, it was my sense of the special energy that had us Google "rock lamp" and discovered that what we felt, others (lots of them) were saying.  These lamps have healing energy.  Well, I am definitely loving the energy and light of this Himalayan Salt Lamp Crystal and wanted to share this jewel.  Do you have one?
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