Friday, February 04, 2011

Funky #FollowFriday Already w/ Miles Davis 1991

Miles Davis, photo taken in Rio de Janeiro, Ma...Image via Wikipedia
Dear Family,

Miles Davis' last concert was at the Hollywood Bowl 8/25/91 with the Yellow Jackets, David Benoit and I was in attendance in the audience! This has to be one of the biggest "coincidences" in my concert-going history. I love live music. That being said, I have made it a point to see my favorite artists live whenever possible. But this particular concert in 1991 was especially sweet. My friends worked at a place that had season box seats for the Hollywood Bowl and requested tickets for four of us friends. She had no idea what day or who would be headlining until closer to the actual date of the tickets. Well, it was decided the tickets that were given us: August 25, 1991 -- that is my birthday in Real Life!!! I was going to have box seats for the Hollywood Bowl on my birthday (FREE !!!). Okay, now it's getting closer to the date and we can see who will be playing: None other than MILES DAVIS!!! I moved to New Jersey in the sixties primarily for the proximity to New York jazz.

It was 1969 exactly when on the bus from LaGuardia to Newark, my new home, I sat down next to a grandmotherly looking woman. It was not long into our ride on that Greyhound that she told me she was Miles Davis' maid. You know that I took this as a "sign" that my move was the right thing for me to be doing. She told me he was very nice to her. She stayed there during the week and went home on the weekends.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Betty Carter & Trio - Amazon

Dear Family, Just thought I would share a little of one of my favorite singers, Betty Carter, and wish you all a great day!!!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Green Shooting Star or Meteor Sighting 2/1/2011 @ 5:45 a.m. in Los Angeles, California

Dear Family,

I know most of you are not in this area, but i wanted to post this just in case someone in my area is looking for someone else who saw this thing in the sky this morning.  It flashed "big green" and a poof at the end.  It streaked across morning sky from easterly to westerly direction.  Definitely a green flash on the end.  It was amazing!  What did i see?  Hoping someone else saw it, and maybe even knows what that was!  Have a great day, Family, and share some love today!

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Who Else Is Happy For Finally Funky #FollowFriday?

Dear Family,

Hello, and a toasty-warm welcome to "In-Box Jewels," especially if you are experiencing residing in a cold region of the planet this winter. dj Goddessa here, aka GranGoddessa as I am a grandmother. Normally I would be blog-hopping, but today there is just too much in my real-life in-box here at work. So will just zip this off to let you know that I am thinking of you, will be selecting only the happiest of dance music for your listening pleasure in Funk Sanctum Radio and to wish you a Happy Funky #Follow Friday!  If any of you arrived here because you searched the word “Sanctum” i.e., the current movie with the same title, we welcome you to “Funk” Sanctum--11 years old today! (Well, maybe not exactly today.)  I must remember imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Senegal - African Divas in HD - Coumba Gawlo - Sama Xel

What a beautiful singer, song, dress, dancing and video. Don't sleep on this one family, highly recommended! :)
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