Friday, January 28, 2011

Who Else Is Happy For Finally Funky #FollowFriday?

Dear Family,

Hello, and a toasty-warm welcome to "In-Box Jewels," especially if you are experiencing residing in a cold region of the planet this winter. dj Goddessa here, aka GranGoddessa as I am a grandmother. Normally I would be blog-hopping, but today there is just too much in my real-life in-box here at work. So will just zip this off to let you know that I am thinking of you, will be selecting only the happiest of dance music for your listening pleasure in Funk Sanctum Radio and to wish you a Happy Funky #Follow Friday!  If any of you arrived here because you searched the word “Sanctum” i.e., the current movie with the same title, we welcome you to “Funk” Sanctum--11 years old today! (Well, maybe not exactly today.)  I must remember imitation is the highest form of flattery.
Please click that green button up top (how did you miss that ??) to join me add-free, commercial-free, 24/7 on the Web and your smart device. Funk Sanctum Radio is a happy place, especially on Fridays! *Grins*

ANNOUNCEMENT:  It is now Christmas in January:  Extended download of Tracy Thorn's Christmas stocking!!! I missed it, so maybe you did, too. Just in case, we get a second chance at this gift.  Thank you BenWatt and Tracy Thorn.

Tracey ThornCover of Tracey Thorn

Last, but not least, I leave you with a newly-found video:

Share some love today,

1 comment:

Rose said...

happy dance music is good anyday. rose

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