Grinding away at work counting down the hours until free again! Happy days are here again. It is unbelievable what we went through yesterday. Pearl, our dog, was sprayed directly in eyes and face by a skunk yesterday morning. What is the main thing you want to remember if your dog is skunked? Do not let them in the house. I know that now and am sharing it for you file in your memory, just in case you ever need this information!

First, I want to talk about King Street Sounds' "Finest NY House in 2010" as I loved "Finest NY House from 2009." It is playing right now while typing this with my head bobbing and foot tapping. So what, you say? Well, I just happen to be at work and am supposed to be listening to dictation from some defense attorney in my headphones, not the finest dance music on the planet as presented by dj Goddessa of Funk Sanctum Radio!!! :) Oh, click and you could be right here with us: