Body of a Dancer from Daniel Gallenkamp N.S.C. on Vimeo.
A portrait of dancer Tim Persent.
Cinematic poem brings an ode to dancers and what they are able to do with their body, by showing what our eyes normally can't see in real time.
Shot on a Phantom high-speed camera, filming over a 1000 frames a second to create ultra slow motion.
This fascinated me and I hope it will fascinate you...
Director / D.o.P.: Daniel Gallenkamp n.s.c.
Editor: Allard Zoetman
Music: Andre Ettema
Grading: Beer Buijsman
Phantom tech.: Flip Bleekrode
Gaffer: Eugene Sprik, Frank Berger
Focus puller: Floris v.d. Lee, Danny v. Deventer
Airbrush artist: Peter Evers
Make up: Ingrid v. Wakeren, Fieke Brokkelkamp
Ass. Make up: Denise Boon
Electrician: Tjeerd Oosterhuis
Set assistance: Kick Schlüter, Michel Koenders, Ronnie Boelens
production manager: Wiarda Postma
Idea & concept: Daniel Gallenkamp
Produced by Smit & Jansen
Thanks to NTR & Holland Dance, all the crew members
Special thanks to Tim Persent