I just purchased this stock photo to help manifest some specimens in the physical and will be heading back to the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club tomorrow. After burning a few sticks of the Moldavite (essence) incense purchased today, we are hooked!
So, this is where we were coming from when the little videos were shot. Have to go back tomorrow to the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club Gen Show because it was awesome. Those in So. Cal should check it out because it is "free" and rare gems, lapidary exhibits, etc. The "jewel" of today is moldavite. Bought some "moldavite" incense there, never heard of it before today, came home and googled it and lo and behold:
Going back tomorrow to see if I can find some actual specimens, oil, etc., and will let you know, but the incense is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend if you have never tried, find it in your area somewhere!"Moldavite is the product of a meteor collision with Earth nearly 15 million years ago. It fell over what is now called the Moldau River valley in Czech Republic. These green Gems are among the most rare minerals on earth. They have been prized by humans for thousands of years and are still given as gifts from royalty to royalty. In legend, it is believed Moldavite was the green stone in the Holy Grail and has the power to quicken one's spiritual evolution. . . . Moldavite's high vibrational energy is a powerful chakra opener, particularly at the heart and above. Sleeping with Moldavite activates the Dream State."
I spent the most time on this site so far . . . Glynis is into them big-time at Moldaviteme and signed up for the newsletter. Excitement in the air as I light another moldavite incense. find it :)

will report tomorrow results of exploring for Moldavite oil, Moldavite jewelry, Moldavite bath salts :))
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